Want Better Sex?

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“To have her here in bed with me, breathing on me, her hair in my mouth — I count that something of a miracle.”

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For most, sexuality is intensely private. For many, open and direct sexual communication is fraught with fear, anxiety and fear of judgment. For mostly good and even bad, many people are guided by their religious beliefs, which serve to provide a strong moral compass or foundation, but inevitably lead people to feel that their fantasies or wishes are somehow wrong/bad/dirty/evil. Consequently, many struggle with feelings of guilt, shame and anxiety around sex and have not fully honored, accepted or expressed their authentic sexual selves. When these urges and feelings are repressed or forced underground, they create emotional, personal and sexual distance between the two partners, hence, the healthy expression of sexual needs suffers.

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When you are sexually aroused, your brain releases a hormone causing blood to enter the penis and fill your erectile tissue (Corpora Cavernosa). The cells in the Corpora Cavernosa are filled with blood until an erection is achieved. Pro - LARGENT Size   will increase the capacity limit of the Corpora Cavernosa thus allowing more blood to enter the cavern creating a longer and thicker erection. 
Pro - LARGENT Size    stimulates cell growth within the corpora cavernosa itself. An increase in cells allows for more blood to enter the penis making the penis larger and the erection more intense.

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