How to Treat Severe Erectile Dysfunction Problem

What are the symptoms of erectile dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction will cause the penis to be unable to acquire or maintain a satisfactory erection. It is important to specify to the doctor the rapidity of onset, the presence of nocturnal erections, and the quality of the erection if it can be attained but not maintained. The quality of an erection can be judged according to the rigidity and the functionality (Is the penis erect enough to allow for vaginal penetration?).

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What is the treatment for erectile dysfunction?
Nowadays, there are many options for men who suffer from erectile dysfunction. Before suggesting pharmacological help, the doctor may suggest a change in lifestyle habits. Since many causes of erectile dysfunction are disorders in which lifestyle changes will have a positive effect, addressing these issues can be helpful. Therefore, regular exercise, a healthy diet, smoking cessation, and limiting alcohol consumption can all have an impact on erectile function. Lifestyle changes can also include the use of a more genitalia-friendly bicycle seat.
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If your ED is caused by an underlying health condition, such as heart disease or diabetes, that condition may need to be treated first before treatment for ED can begin. In some cases, treating the underlying cause may also resolve the problem of ED.
If you are taking a medication that can cause ED and there is an alternative medicine available, your GP will discuss this with you. It is important never to stop taking a prescribed medication unless you are advised to do so by your GP or another qualified healthcare professional who is responsible for your care.

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