Erectile dysfunction can take a toll on a relationship. It is important to show support and offer encouragement to your loved one with ED. In addition to encouraging your partner to seek medical treatment for his condition, you can help him deal with erectile dysfunction by offering emotional support. Here are some tips:
Learn as much as you can about ED. Knowledge is power, so the more you know, the more you'll be able to support your partner. When seeking treatment, you and your partner should both agree on a method that best fits your lifestyle.
Let your partner know that he's not alone. Remind him that ED is a fairly common and very treatable medical condition. ED is not a reflection on his masculinity or a lack of attraction or desire for you. You should also support your partner in any efforts to change his lifestyle (adopting a healthy diet, quitting smoking and the use of any recreational drugs, etc.) to deal with ED.
Go with him to see the doctor. If your partner is agreeable, accompany him when he sees his doctor. This is another way to show that you're concerned and willing to work with him to treat his condition.
Remind him that there are many options for successful treatment. If your partner does not succeed initially, encourage him to continue to visit the doctor and explore other options.
As a partner of a man with ED, you are also affected. Here are some tips to help you better deal with the situation:
Discuss your feelings and let your partner know that you care.
Stay positive. Talk about what you and your partner want and need, and how to achieve it.
Try alternative techniques to obtain sexual satisfaction by finding other ways to obtain and receive pleasure without pressuring your partner to perform.
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